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Operational Research on Consumers’ Perceptions towards Implants as a Long Term Family Planning Method


The report examines the factors influence a woman's choice of contraception and learns about their perceptions of and misconceptions towards long-term family planning methods.

The report conducted my NMCHC/MSD and UNFPA in order to understand the differnt pereceptions of women in using contraception and rationale choosing a family planning method.

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Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey 2014


The report presents the preliminary findings from the 2014 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey that will be used by policy makers to evaluate the demographic and health status of the Cambodian population in order to formulate appropriate population and health policies and programs in Cambodia.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights


With almost 500,000 workers employed in the garment industry, garment fatory workers forming 85 percent and most of them are young women of reproductive age who have migrated from rural provinces to Phnom Penh. Their sexual reproductive health and rights is overlooked.


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National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women, 2014-2018


Violence against women remains a great challenge for Cambodian society. The National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women prioritizes the strategic area of legal protection for women and girls to ensure their equal access to legal protection by mainstreaming women's rights into the formulation and implementation of laws and by promoting effective service delivery to survivors of violence against women.

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UNFPA supports Remork-motos to deliver mobile family planning messages and services


As the use of modern mothods of contraceptives, the use of long-term methods remains low and the level of misconception still high. The mobile campaign using remork-moto to reach women in remote village provides information about reproductive heals and contraceptive use.

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Report on Urbanization


Cambodia's mostly unplanned and unregulated process of urbanization has resulted in several major problems such as lack of infrastructure and urban services, traffic congestion, increased urban flooding and more importantly the neglect of the urban poor and the environment and the lack of pro-poor, inclusive urbanization processess.

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Entertainment Workers are becoming SMART Girls


Following the ban on prostitution in 2008, all brothel-based services were crack-downed. Consequently, new  forms of sex work were formed such as karaoke clubs or bars, beer gardens, snookers clubs and massage parlors.


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Literature Review:


Almost 500,000 workers employed in the garment industry who majority of them are young women of reproductive age migrating from rural provinces to Phnom Penh. Given this, there is a need to respond to and support their health needs, in particular their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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National Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018

Annual Report

The National Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018 is a development framework and a road map for the implementation of Rectangular Strategy Phase III that lays out the political commitment to a socioeconomic development process. It outlines visible and realistic actions, programmes and projects that strive to make its people educated and healthy, living in harmony within the family and society. Its puts forth the principal of aim of maintaining peace, political stability, security and social order to promote rule of law and protect human rights and dignity, sustainable long-term equitable economic growth and increased outreach, effectiveness, quality and credibility of public services.

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Fact sheet: Investing for better health


The use of contraceptives help reduce maternal and child deaths. It helps prevent from unwanted pregnancies and abortions.

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