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The National Action Plan on Cambodia Youth Development (NAP-CYD) 2022-2026

The National Action Plan on Cambodia Youth Development (NAP-CYD) 2022-2026
The National Action Plan on Cambodia Youth Development (NAP-CYD) 2022-2026


National Youth Development Council

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National Youth Development Council


The National Action Plan on Cambodia Youth Development (NAP-CYD) 2022-2026

Publication date

17 June 2022

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The National Action Plan on Cambodia Youth Development (NAP-CYD) 2022-2026 was approved on 17 June 2022 by Council of Minister and the Prime Minister and President of National Youth Development Council and officially launched on 15 November 2022. The NAP-CYD focuses on 12 strategies and 5 key priorities, including: 1) Education 2) Health and well-being 3) Employment and opportunities 4) Institutional capacity in coordination and participation 5) Monitoring and evaluation. The National Action Plan outlined strategies, activities, indicators, targets and monitoring and evaluation. Key priorities for the NAP-CYD (2022-2026) are determined based on consultation and existing data and are consistent with the NPCYD (2011), and other relevant policies particularly, the Rectangular Strategy Phase IV. Therefore, the NAP-CYD (2022-2026) focuses on the following five main priorities:


  • Priority 1: Institutional capacity in coordination and monitoring and evaluation
  • Priority 2: Education, vocational training, and capacity development
  • Priority 3: Health, safety, and well-being
  • Priority 4: Employment and entrepreneurship
  • Priority 5: Youth participation and volunteering work

Inclusive development and gender equality are considered as the common goals, especially for the priority 2 and 5. Additional attention will be given to vulnerable youths, including: rural youth, out-of-school youth, migrant youth, people with disabilities, youth from indigenous communities, and LGBTQI group. This is an inter-sectoral core that needs to pay more attention and addressed in all components of the NAP.