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Poster: Cambodia's progress in improving Maternal and Child Health

Poster: Cambodia's progress in improving Maternal and Child Health
Poster: Cambodia's progress in improving Maternal and Child Health


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UNFPA Cambodia


Poster: Cambodia's progress in improving Maternal and Child Health

Publication date

01 May 2013

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Cambodia has made remarkable progress over the last decade in reducing maternal and child mortality. There are some contributing factors such as political commitment, policy and health system strengthening and capacity development.

The government has been working in partnership with development partners and civil society to address the remaining challenges.

The Ministry of Health's Strategic Plan focuses on four priorities including reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health to promote universal access to reproductive health and rights.

The four key areas:

1. Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care
2. Family Planning
3. Advocacy
4. Skilled Birth Attendance


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