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Request For Quotation To Provide Services as Event Organizer for the Joint International Youth Day 2023 – Future Fair - Preparing for the Future We Want

Request For Quotation To Provide Services as Event Organizer for the Joint International Youth Day 2023 – Future Fair - Preparing for the Future We Want


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Annoucement Description

The purpose of this annoucement is to seek the services of an experienced Event Organizer to plan, coordinate, and execute the International Youth Day 2023 event, titled "Future Fair: Preparing for the Future we want". The event aims to bring together diverse youth networks/groups from diverse organisations for cross-network engagement, dialogue, and youth movement building. By facilitating a safe and creative space for youth dialogue and problem-solving, we aim to foster youth inclusive participation and expression on global issues such as population growth, climate crisis, gender equality, and sustainable development goals. This event will be a joint UN and partner event - with as many as 6 agencies contributing towards the event.


Expected Results

Expected Results This series of events would bring together the following:

a) Youth networks- UN agencies and partner organisations have their own youth networks – the value of providing youth the space to network, to learn from each other and to cross pollinate ideas with the potential for creating expanded and more inclusive youth networks.

b) UN and development and CSO partners – participating partners can offer to host and facilitate key topics – developing sessions based on feedback from youth partners.

c) Government agencies – relevant government stakeholders can participate, learn and listen to youth concerns.

d) The Private sector – we will be reaching out to private sector partners to provide sessions, including idea labs and creative outlets. The private sector can also participate by bringing financial services, digital solutions to the events. We will be looking for private sector partnership support for prizes as well as other support towards these events.

e) CSOs and service providers – the events will include support and services from civil society including reproductive health and counseling services. 


Event Details

The event is intended to mark International Youth Day 2023 and promote joint force with ONE UN – ONE VOICE and building a strong partnership and collaboration with development partners, CSOs, Youth Networks, Government and Private Sector. This event will 

Date:                    From July - October 2023

Venue:                 Various for pre-workshop Creative Events and One day at CJCC Conference Hall and Meeting Rooms

For detailed information and requirements, please find the attachment. 


Bidder Eligibility

This Request for Quotation is open to all eligible bidders; to be considered an eligible bidder for this solicitation process you must comply with the following:

  • A bidder must be a legally-constituted company that can provide the requested products/services/works [– select appropriate and delete the rest]
  • And have legal capacity to enter into a contract with UNFPA to deliver/perform [- select appropriate and delete the rest] in the country, or through an authorized representative.
  • A bidder must not have a conflict of interest regarding the solicitation process or with the TORs / Technical Specifications. Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified.
  • At the time of Bid submission, the bidder, including any JV/Consortium members, is not under procurement prohibitions derived from the Compendium of United Nations Security Council Sanctions Lists
  • And has not been suspended, debarred, sanctioned or otherwise identified as ineligible by any UN Organization or the World Bank Group.
  • Bidders must adhere to the UN Supplier Code of Conduct, which may be found by clicking on UN Supplier Code of Conduct.

Submission Requirements

Questions or requests for further clarifications should be submitted in writing to the contact person with email provided in the contact details.

The deadline for submission of questions is Tuesday, 18 July 2023 at 5 p.m. Phnom Penh time.

Questions will be answered in writing and shared will parties as soon as possible after this deadline.


Content of quotations

Quotations should be submitted via a TWO-envelope system. Interested Bidders are requested to submit their Technical Bid separately from their Financial Bid containing the price information. Each envelope shall consist of a single email whenever possible, depending on file size.

1. Technical proposal, in response to the requirements outlined in the service requirements / TORs.

2. Price quotation, to be submitted strictly in accordance with the price quotation form.


Instructions for submission

Proposals should be prepared based on the guidelines set forth in Section III above, along with a properly filled out and signed price quotation form and are to be sent by emailto the contact person indicated below no later than: Monday, 24 July 2023 at 5 p.m. Phnom Penh Time.