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The Evaluation Quality Assessment (EQA) is a tool to assess the quality of the Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) Report against a number of criteria. This EQA is performed independently at the end of the evaluation process in order to provide feedback to the UNFPA Country Office and the evaluation team as to the quality of the report. Although, several criteria were rated as good, the overall rating for Cambodia CPE Report was poor.

The EQA stated that the report was clearly structured and well-written, and user-friendly. The executive summary was standalone and presented the main results of the evaluation, along with the purpose and methodology used. However, in the report, there was a lack of clarity on results based management terminology that affects the overall quality of the evaluation: outputs, outcomes and impacts were frequently confused with each other. This weakness in correctly identifying the logical chain made it hard for the evaluators to make credible claims on the achievements of the programme. Moreover, while the evaluation team described the methodology adequately, they did not discuss or develop sufficiently how data was collected. In terms of describing findings, the report hardly mentioned where or how the primary information was collected from. They also did not demonstrate the contribution of UNFPA to the country's development results. Conclusions were often weakly supported by credible findings. Recommendations flow logically from conclusions and were both strategic and operationally feasible; however, they were not prioritized, and could have been more targeted.