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Wold Population Day 2020

calendar_today 11 July 2020


Wold Population Day 2020

Fulfilling women’s and girls’ rights through promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is an essential prerequisite for reaching national development goals as…

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Peace in the home: safeguarding the health and rights of women and girls – even during COVID-19

calendar_today 11 July 2020


Peace in the home: safeguarding the health and rights of women and girls – even during COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis has taken a staggering toll on people, communities and economies everywhere. Yet not everyone is affected equally, and as we so often see, women and girls tend…

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Confronting the silent and endemic crisis of harmful practices

calendar_today 30 June 2020

Press Release

Confronting the silent and endemic crisis of harmful practices

Urgent, accelerated action needed to stop female genital mutilation, child marriage, and other practices that harm women and girls, according to new UNFPA report.

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UNFPA Provides 1,670 Dignity Kits for Cambodia’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

calendar_today 18 May 2020

Press Release

UNFPA Provides 1,670 Dignity Kits for Cambodia’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

UNFPA, The United Nations Population Fund in Cambodia provides 1,670 Dignity Kits along with communication materials to assist the National Committee for Counter Tracking (NCCT)…

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Break the silence! UNFPA's Statement for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

calendar_today 17 May 2020


Break the silence! UNFPA's Statement for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights speaks to the universality of human rights. Everyone,…

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Protecting Mothers and Babies from COVID-19 in Cambodia

calendar_today 05 May 2020


Protecting Mothers and Babies from COVID-19 in Cambodia

To date, there is no scientific evidence about the increased susceptibility of pregnant women to COVID-19. There is also no evidence to support vertical mother-to-child…

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Reproductive rights & gender equality essential to SDGs says UN Population Fund, Government

calendar_today 11 July 2019


Reproductive rights & gender equality essential to SDGs says UN Population Fund, Government

Today, at the celebration of World Population Day, the Royal Government of Cambodia and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), reconfirmed their commitment to the unfinished business of…

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We must work harder to secure sexual and reproductive rights for all

calendar_today 10 April 2019

Press Release

We must work harder to secure sexual and reproductive rights for all

The movement that began in the 1960s transformed the lives of hundreds of millions of women, empowering them to govern their own bodies and shape their own futures. But despite…

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Crossing the river

calendar_today 15 March 2019


Crossing the river

Khmer people have always referred to baby delivery as 'Crossing the River' -- the riders could be safe, or things could go wrong depends on the weather. So, we need to be well…

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