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Emergency Obstetric & Newborn Care (EmONC) Improvement Plan, 2016-2020

Emergency Obstetric & Newborn Care (EmONC) Improvement Plan, 2016-2020
Emergency Obstetric & Newborn Care (EmONC) Improvement Plan, 2016-2020



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Ministry of Health


Emergency Obstetric & Newborn Care (EmONC) Improvement Plan, 2016-2020

Publication date

13 August 2016

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The recent review of the EmONC Improvement Plan (April 2015) revealed significant progress in the availability, accessibility, quality and utilization of EmONC services in Cambodia by early 2015, as well as challenges in implementation. Between 2009 and 2015, the number of CEmONC facilities increased from 25-37 and the number of BEmONC facilities increased from 19 to 110. 

Progress was strongest in terms of expanding coverage of Comprehensive EmONC care (CEmoNC), and by 2015, Cambodia had exceeded international standards for CEmONC coverage. Improvements were also made in expanding the number of functional Basic EmONC (BEmONC) facilities, but progress has been slower in this area. Only 28 of the 110 upgraded BEmONC facilities were found to be fully functional (performing all 7 BEmONC signal functions in the 3 months preceding the EmONC Review). Improvements were also found in the proportion of births taking place in functional EmONC facilities, reductions in financial barriers to EmONC care, reductions in the Direct Obstetric Case Fatality Rate, and performance of specific signal functions.

The improvement plan proposed approaches and key interventions that build on established interventions and programs, and are integrated into the existing health system in order to reducing maternal and child dealths. It is an evidence-based intervention for doubling committment at sub-national level, in particular.