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Request for Quotations “To develop an interactive Chatbot and SAFE APP for women and girls responding to GBV/VAW in Cambodia”

Request for Quotations “To develop an interactive Chatbot and SAFE APP for women and girls responding to GBV/VAW in Cambodia”


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To develop an interactive Chatbot and SAFE APP for women and girls responding to GBV/VAW in Cambodia

The Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) with financial support from the Government of Japan, have committed to working together on the joint project efforts.

UNFPA supports MoWA in developing GBV digital platforms, which will be the interface and connection between the users and the national system to interact with rights holders to service coordinated by MOWA. It aims to explore technological solutions to address and enhance service information through the Facebook (FB) messenger Chatbot and mobile application to strengthen the accessibility and availability of essential services package for women and girls who have experienced GBV/VAW.  


Detail Requirement can be found in RFQ No. UNFPA/KHM/RFQ/22/005 which is posted in UNFPA Website, Bongthom.Com and Phnom Penh Post.


How to apply:


Interested Firms shall submit their proposals electronically to UNFPA dedicated email Procurement <cambodia-procurement@unfpa.org>, no later than 1 July 2022 by 5:00 p.m. Phnom Penh local time. Separate ToR can be obtained from UNFPA Website at http://cambodia.unfpa.org/